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我公司座落于交通便利的“京、津、保”三角地带的霸州市。公司始建于1989年,为私营企业。公司创建20余年,全体员工励精图治,奋发进取。企业生产,经营向着现代化新型企业目标矫健挺进。目前公司拥有固定资产500多万元,职工300余人。公司生产的主要产品有“三鑫”牌电动车塑料套件、车架、表头、电池盒、后备箱、自行车挡泥板、链罩等几百种系列产品。   公司设备工艺先进,技术力量雄厚。注塑、冲压、拉伸、钣金、电泳、氩弧焊等自动流水线一应俱全。中高级职称技术人员30多人。公司实行“内强基地,外拓市场”的经营方略,在天津成立办事处,注入大量人力、物力,现已将天津市场开拓的出色。   今后我们还会更加努力,在短期内将国内外市场开拓的更为宽广! our company is located at bazhou city, the triangle area of beijing, tianjin, and baoding. it is a private-owned company established in 1989. during 20 years since its establishment, the employees keep improving, and the company production and management keep improving into modern new enterprise. now, the company has more than 5 million fixed assets, 300 employees, and the main products are “sanxin” brand electrical bike plastic accessories, frame, meter, battery box, trunk, bicycle mudguard, chain guard and such products. our company has advanced technology and strong technical power and a whole automation line with injection molding, pressing, drawing, plate work, electrophoresis, argon-arc welding and so on. more than 30 people are senior or middle technicians. the company uses the operation strategy that strengthening base inside and opening market outside. we set agent at tianjin, and have developed it into a potential market. we will work harder to open a wider market both at home and abroad!

企业名称: 霸州市兴胜五金塑料厂 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 全国 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商